Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sables helmet is for sale!!

I know many of you have waited for it. Sable has finished testing her helmet and put it for sale now. She uses the Scorpion vendors and for only 500 L$ it's a bargain. So hurry out and grab one of them, NOW! You an get them here at Maya Shenleys Scorpion Products mainstore in Murphy or at one of her other vendors, for example at the Little Store of Kink. Oh... and by the way, when you're at the vendor, why don't you grab one of Mayas Gasmasks or Gags? They're just wonderful and with only 250 L$ each another bargain and worth every single Linden$.
I had the wonderful opportunity of testing out the release version of the helmet for about 7 hours (That's a lovely story I'm going to write about when I've got enough time, maybe during the weekend. I don't want to rush that up, it would be a great disservice to my great, wonderful and wicked custodian Maya Shenley and all the time and work she put herself into for making these seven hours so much fun for me. Thanks again, Maya, you're great and I'll be back soon again for a longer isolation.) and I've got to say it's just great! It's got everything built in a Bane could wish, but I'm not going to spoil the fun for you by telling you about it. So, why are you still here reading me babble about the helmet, buy one, let yourself get locked up by your custodian of choice and enjoy some relaxing time in isolation.

That's me in front of the vendor at Maya Shelleys Mainstore in Murphy.

Daris Haus is NOT closing shop

Very short notice:
Well, looks like all our begging and pleading worked. Dari decided to keep her shop open and continue to provide us all with her wonderful products. She even announced today another update for her gags. Go read her blog if you to know more about this update and a new idea for her armbinders.
To sum it all up, I can just say that I'm overjoyed about her decision to keep her shop open. It would have been really sad if she'd been forced out of business by her own customers and we all would have lost one of SLs best creators.